People often ask me what I feel. How can we stay healthy in a simple way? We are tired of listing and reading health tips. Can you tell us a simple funda for a healthy life?


"Fever is actually our friend but we treat it like an enemy and want to destroy it". Why?

You must be thinking why I am asking you to be aware. What do I mean by awareness? How to bring this awareness to us? If you are having this question in mind this means you are AWARE.

"Awareness" is a powerful weapon. It keeps us in present, keeps us alive. We always do things blindly or on impulse like a robot without thinking whether it is good or bad for us but due to awareness, we can judge what is right and what is wrong for us. You can see how the whole world became aware and conscious about health, due to the corona and its fear. “Fear has made us aware about health”.

Let’s take an example and talk about it in a practical and solution-oriented way. What will happen if, for one day you are not able to pass urine, just think for a moment and it will bring your attention towards your kidneys and you will realize that God has given you kidneys and this original god gifted kidneys are more precious and cannot be replaced by any one’s kidneys. Even transplantation cost more than 10 lakhs and the rejection rate are also high. That’s when you realize the value of your kidneys. This is the point where we become aware. When we are sick, we understand the importance of health. This is awareness.

Awareness can find answers for all your questions and to be aware you have to question yourself. What you are doing? Why you are doing and for what purpose? When you get more and more aware you will start understanding where did the disease come from? Who has brought the disease and for what purpose? Did we bring it ourselves or someone has imposed this on us? What type of treatment or medicines are we being given? Whether that treatment is necessary or not? Is it effective against our disease or not? Whose conspiracy is this? Etc.

The direction of our thoughts remains either in past or keep thinking bad about others or thinking negative about ourselves or running behind money or lust, otherwise running behind some other greed. Our focus is limited to these few things. Our focus should be such that it will awaken the feeling of liveliness in us. This feeling is the power of awareness which makes us feel everything around us or else you will say that we cannot see air so it doesn’t exist but it’s a thing not to be seen but to be feel. Overall, I want to say that in this present environment you need to question yourself, only then you will become aware. No matter how many lectures or tips I give on health. It will be of no use. But if there is one thing through which I can accomplish multiple purposes then I will prefer that one thing i.e., self-awareness.

Someone has said it right "jab jaago tab savera" [it’s never too late to mend your ways] but how many days you will take to wake up, how many years you will take to wake up or after the damage is done you are going to open your eyes, it all depends on you.