Oh My God... it’s fever... it’s fever…We often get so much panicked after knowing anyone has got fever. We act as a fire alarm, go into panic mode and feel as if we have to diffuse this fever bomb. Even during the corona period if people even get mild fever, they feel they will die.

We need to know that normal body temperature is not capable enough to remove bacteria, viruses, or any foreign particles from our body. Our body has to raise its temperature to remove infections. Basically, fever stimulates our immune system but as soon as the body temperature rises from its normal level, we immediately take the medicines [antipyretics].

"Fever is actually our friend but we treat it like an enemy and want to destroy it". Why?

"Whole world knows that antibiotics have no roles in viral infections. But still many practitioners prescribe antibiotics Why"?

"Tamiflu which is a medicine made for Swine flu has been used in corona Why"?

"Steroids are started immediately and are being given in large doses Why"?

There is only one answer to all these questions "FEAR".

Many practitioners prescribe 3 to 4 Antibiotics at a time (without culture report) only because of FEAR. People are also highly interested in taking larger doses of medicines in a belief that taking larger doses or frequent repetition of medicines or combination of different schools of medicine like Homoeopathy, Ayurveda, Allopathy, etc. will give fast recovery. Many people use their own regular formulas and without a doctor’s prescription take medicines like Crocin, Diclofenac, Azithromycin or Amoxyline, Cough syrup, etc. on their own and later when the condition gets out of their control, they visit the doctor. For every type of fever, they follow the same FUNDA. People and doctors both under tremendous tension and fear prefer high doses of medicines and steroids which have become one of the leading causes of high death rates.

Fever is generally an adaptive physiological response to some threat (infection). It is our body’s natural response to fight back viruses and infections. It improves the activity of immunity against the initial threat to the immune system but immediately taking medicines (antipyretics) during the early stage of fever causes an immediate fall in our body temperature. It suppresses the temperature centre in the brain (Hypothalamus) which disturbs the homeostasis and interferes with the defense mechanism of the body which eventually hampers the immune system. Fever is an alarming sign for immune cells to start the battle against the infection. During any infection, our body activates a chain of systemic immune responses which sends the signals by raising the body temperature. When we take Antipyretics soon after fever develops, the communication between the immune cells gets altered. Immediate Antipyretic prescription breaks the chain of immune response and the body has to put extra efforts to again form this chain in order to fight back the infection.

In research published by NCBI :

  • Several studies conducted with patients with bacteraemia or fungaemia who were able to mount a febrile response had a higher survival rate than those who were not.
  • In another study, induced bacterial peritonitis in mice and found that those with febrile core temperature had decreased bacterial load and improved survival in comparison with normothermic control.
  • Studies examining the response of infected patients treated with antipyretics found that patients treated with antipyretics during infection had an extended period of viral shedding.

If we treat the fever in an aggressive way, it can cause harm to our body and our immunity. Father of Homoeopathy, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann has also mentioned in his book Organon of Philosophy that every disease must be annihilated from its root but in a most gentle way. Suppressing the disease, be it a skin complaint or cough or a simple fever can damage our body and disease can progress to a deeper level. Instead of thinking of fever as an enemy, people should understand that now the fever has come it means our body has started fighting against the infection and when our body is in the mode of fighting it needs some rest. So, we must take proper rest during fever. Along with it, we should keep our bodies hydrated. Do sponging, avoid immediate medication and do not over-exert the body both mentally and physically. Antipyretics should be advised only when the temperature rises above 103 0 F or if the patient is critically ill, where immunity is already weak and fever can complicate the condition.

Our bodies are the most sophisticated and intelligent machines that can overcome any form of the disease. Our body consists of billions of cells and each and every cell has its own intelligence and heart which play their role in communication and transferring the signal to each other leading to better survival and saving us from infection.




It is because whatever you get for free has no value, be it our body or our immunity. Look at ourselves we have evolved into a diseased medicine - dependent society. We think we are alive only because of medicines. We are living in a delusion that we can buy health. We have no interest in understanding our body, our immunity, our mental or physical health. We are not at all thankful to God for this body and for our immunity.

We need to understand that viruses, bacteria or any other infection can affect us only when we are at weak mode i.e., people with low immunity are more prone to get infected.


What are the causes for low immunity?

There are several factors that can disturb the balance of our bodies :

  • Over exertion (mental and physical)
  • Sedentary lifestyle (lack of sleep, oversleeping, lack of exercise etc.)
  • Excess intake of alcohol, smoking, tobacco etc.
  • Exposure to extremes of temperature like heat and cold.
  • Extremes of emotions (sudden shock, fear, grief, hyper excitement etc.)
  • Use of technological advancement reduces human effort.

Health is like property and to earn this property you have to always keep your habits healthy and follow some of the nature’s rules and maintain the natural biological clock of the body.